Complete List of Dog Breeds
Want to learn more about a specific breed? Explore our types of dog breeds below and click on the breed name for a health profile, personality traits and more.
Affenpinschers Afghan Hounds Airedale Terriers Akbash Akitas Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldogs Alaskan Huskies Alaskan Malamute American Bandogge (or Bandog) American Eskimos American Foxhounds American Staghounds American Water Spaniels Anatolian Shepherds Aussie Doodle (Ausiepoo): The Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix Aussiedor: The Australian Shepherd & Labrador Retriever Mix Australian Kelpies Australian Shepherd: The Guide to Aussie Dogs & Puppies Australian Terriers Azawakhs
Basenjis Bassadors Basset Hounds: All About the Basset Breed Beagles: Beagle Colors, Temperament, and Tips for Raising a Beagle Puppy Beaglier: Beagle & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Bearded Collies Beauceron Bedlington Terriers Belgian Laekenois Belgian Malinois Belgian Sheepdogs Belgian Tervuren: The Tervuren Belgian Shepherd Dog Bergamascos Bernedoodle: Your Guide to the Bernadoodle Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle Cross Bernese Mountain Dogs Bichon Frise Bichpoo or Bichonpoo Characteristics: The Bichapoo, a Bichon Frise & Poodle Mix Black and Tan Coonhounds Black Russian Terriers Bloodhounds Blueticks Bolognese Border Collies Border Terriers Borzois Boston Terriers: Owning a Boston Terrier Bouvier des Flandres Boxerdoodles: Boxer Poodle Mix Breed Boxers Boykin Spaniels Briards Brittanys Brussels Griffons Bull Terriers Bulldogs Bullmastiffs
Cairn Terriers Canaan Dogs Cane Corsos Cardigan Welsh Corgis Catahoulas Caucasian Ovcharkas Cavachon: The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & Bichon Fraise Mix Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: Exploring the Breed's History and Temperament Cavapoms Cesky Terriers Chart Polski Chesapeake Bay Retrievers Chi-Chis Chihuahua: Breed Guide to Chihuahua Dogs & Puppies Chinese Cresteds Chinese Shar-Pei Chinooks Chiweenie: The Chihuahua Dachshund Mix Guide Chorkies: All About the Chorkie Dog Breed Chow Chows Chug Dog: The Adorable Chihuahua Pug Mix Cirneco dell Etna Clumber Spaniels Cockapoo: Your Guide to the Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Cocker Spaniels Collie: Rough & Smooth Collie Dog Breeds Curly-Coated Retrievers
Galgo Espanol German Pinschers German Shepherd: Breed Overview and Guide to German Shepherds German Shorthaired Pointers German Wirehaired Pointers Giant Schnauzers Glen of Imaal Terriers Golden Cocker Retriever: The Golden Retriever & Cocker Spaniel Mix Golden retriever Golden Retriever Goldendoodles Gordon Setters Great Danes Great Pyrenees Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs Greyhounds
Papillons Peekapoo: Pekapoo Breed Information to the Pekingese Poodle Mix Pekeapoos Pekingese Pembroke Welsh Corgis Perro de Presa Canarios Peruvian Inca Orchids Petit Basset Griffon Vendeens Pharaoh Hounds Pit Bulls Plott Hounds Polish Lowland Sheepdogs Pomapoos Pomeranians Pomsky: All About this Pomeranian Husky Mix Poodles Portuguese Podengos Portuguese Water Dogs Pugapoo: A Guide to the Pug Poodle Mix Pugs: Guide to Pug Dogs & Pug Puppies Pulis Pyrenean Shepherds
Saint Bernards Salukis Samoyeds Schipperkes Schnoodles Scottish Deerhounds Scottish Terriers Sealyham Terriers Sheepadoodle: English Sheepdog Poodle Mix Shetland Sheepdogs: All About Shelties Shiba Inus Shih Tzus: The Ultimate Guide to Shitzu Dogs & Puppies Shihpoo: The Adorable Shih Tzu Poodle Mix You Need to Know About Siberian Huskies: Behavior, Temperament, and Personality of the Siberian Husky Silken Windhounds Silky Terriers Skye Terriers Sloughis Small Munsterlanders Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers Staffordshire Bull Terriers Standard Schnauzers Sussex Spaniels Swedish Lapphunds Swedish Vallhunds