Common Health Issues for Bichon Frises
Condition | Risk Profile | Cost to Diagnose and Treat |
Patellar Luxation | Medium | $1,500-$3,000 |
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease | Medium | $1,000-$3,000 |
Cataracts | High | $1,500-$5,000 |
Corneal Dystrophy | High | $300-$3,000 |
Pet Insurance Comparison for Bichon Frises
Deciding on the right pet insurance company from the start is extremely important for you and your Bichon Frise. If you choose the wrong plan and go to make a claim, you could find your Bichon Frise's illness isn't covered. You're left paying the entire bill and that illness would be excluded moving to a new insurance company.
Embrace's strongest points of dog and cat insurance comparison include our flexibility and comprehensive coverage. Other companies have full or partial limitations on genetic and hereditary illnesses, leaving some Bichon Frise health issues without coverage. Embrace has none.
The ability to personalize your pet insurance plan means you get the best coverage possible while for your Bichon Frise while maintaining a payment within your budget (other companies charge extra for items like hip dysplasia or cancer coverage, or only offer routine care with their more expensive plans).